How to Transform Yourself into a New Person - 17 Ways

middle aged woman sat in yoga pose
Transformation - a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved
— Cambridge dictionary

How to transform yourself

Do you ever feel that you have never lived up to your true potential? Are there areas in your life that you have always wanted to transform? Are there goals and ambitions that you have wanted to achieve but have never managed to?

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We all can have the thoughts at some time in our lives that we haven’t achieved all that we wanted, that for one reason or another, we have been held back or have missed out on certain opportunities that would have seen us doing something else instead.

Here’s the thing, it’s never too late to change. There is nothing to say that you can’t do or become what you have always wanted to do right now.

The only thing that will ever stand in your way is you and what you are thinking. Transformation is always possible. The problem is that most people go through their lives not fulfilling their true potential, whether it is because they have low self-esteem, lack the drive and willpower to achieve something big or sit back waiting for life to find them, waiting for their big break to happen.

No one will tell you that going after what you really want is easy, it’s not, but if you really want to make a change, transform your life and get results then you have to be the one to do it. You have to change your attitude, make the decision and then go for it.

Transformation is not a future event. It is a present activity
— Jillian Michaels

17 Ways to Become a New You

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The reason most people don’t make the change that they want in life is that they find it too difficult.

Undertaking new skills, stepping outside of their comfort zone, and taking on new challenges can all seem daunting and so most people choose to stay where they are, not satisfied with life but feeling that it is easier than really going after the things that they want.

The truth is, is that living life like this is no easier in the long run. Buffering through your life just means that you are missing out on so much more. Taking the path towards a new you will bring you so much from life, it’s the first step that is the hardest.

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  1. Make the decision to change

    This is so often the hardest part for so many people. Actually being honest enough to say, I want to change and I am going to do it.

    So often we make excuses or pretend when life isn’t how we thought it was going to be but admitting that we are ready for a change and taking the first steps can be very liberating and empowering.

    Taking full responsibility for your life and making the change can start with small changes, you don’t have to overhaul every area of your life, small steps can lead you to great change in time.

  2. Get clear on what you really want to change

    Having clear goals in mind is essential if you are going to make a real change in your life. Being too vague or over-ambitious will bring about failure very easily.

    If you want to get fitter and healthier, don’t start off by trying to run a marathon if you are out of condition. Setting smaller, realistic goals will mean you will reach them and will spur you on to more and more adventurous goals.

  3. Be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone

    You won’t achieve any meaningful change if you don’t step outside your comfort zone. Although it is difficult at first, doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable will be very liberating in the long run. The sense of achievement when you do something that you didn’t believe you were capable of will lead you to bigger and better things.

    No one is born a great athlete or accomplished public speaker, everybody has to work hard at the things that they are great at, often doing something that makes them feel uncomfortable, but true growth is always just outside your comfort zone.

  4. Learn something new

    One of the most effective ways of transforming yourself and making life changes is to learn something new. Knowledge is power; the more you know, the more confident you will feel. Learning new skills can be very empowering as well as introducing you to new people and situations.

    Knowledge not only gives you more confidence, but it can also enhance your quality of life and improve your mental health.

  5. Live in the present moment

    Learning to live mindfully is a very transformative skill. So often in life, we find that we live in the past, going over in our minds things that didn’t work out as we had planned or we daydream of the future when our lives will be better and everything good is going to happen.

    Learning to live in the present moment is a wonderful self-improvement skill as it is here that you will start to appreciate all that you have in your life already. Being mindful and living in the present moment can stop you from worrying and stressing. When you realise that all you really have is the now you can see that it is only the present moment that truly exists, and you can look at your life in a totally new and refreshing way.

6. Work on abolishing bad habits

We all have bad habits that we have accumulated over the years that can be detrimental to our well-being and personal development.

Whether it is Self-limiting Beliefs, constantly putting ourselves down or procrastinating, bad habits need to be eliminated before real change and transformation can begin to take place.

Make a note of bad habits that you have and work consistently to abolish them.

7. Choose the right people to spend time with

The people who are around you can have the biggest influence on you in a positive or negative way. When making changes in your life, it is important to recognise the people who enhance your life and support the changes that you are trying to make and those who hinder your change and development.

transofrmation of a butterfly

You need to have people who are going to be supportive and encouraging in your life, people who will build you up not knock you down. Surround yourself with positive people who will enrich your life.

8. Adopt a more positive approach to life

The way that you choose to view your life will greatly impact its outcome. The saying “what you think about you bring about” is very true. Those who think positively about their life will bring about positive outcomes, whilst those who dwell on negatives will bring negative outcomes into their lives.

Adopt a positive approach to your life if you want to have a positive change in your life.

9. Practice thinking bigger

If you were guaranteed to get everything you thought about then I bet that you would only ever think about great things. Yet so many people only ever imagine negative experiences and circumstances in their lives. This is usually a result of years of persistent negative thinking, and bad cognitive habits that have persisted over time.

If you change your thinking from negative to positive then you will begin to see a real change in your circumstances. This new way of thinking will take time and perseverance but practising thinking of bigger and better things will have a huge impact on your life.

10. Do more of what makes you happy in life

if you’re reading this it’s time for change sign

It’s your life so you should live it the way that you want to and not the way others want you to live it. This includes doing what makes you happy.

If you want to become a new person and make a real change in your life, then you need to concentrate on getting the most fun and enjoyment out of it and this means finding out what you love.

11. Become more proactive and get started

Change and transformation will only come about if you are proactive and do something about it. There is no point in sitting there wishing and hoping for change if you are not making any practical ways to bring about change.

The change will only come about through action, action from you. You can’t expect other people to bring about the change that you want, you have to be prepared to put in the time and effort and bring in the transformation that you desire.

12. Have short, medium and long-term goals planned

When you are looking to make changes in your life, you need to set yourself goals. If you only have abstract thoughts as to how you would like your life to look, then the chances are that you won’t be successful in making the changes.

Setting short, medium and long-term goals will ensure that you have something solid to follow making your chances of success far greater.

Goals will keep you on track and will highlight how far you have come and how far you still have to go. They can bolster your confidence and push you further than you ever imagined. They keep you accountable and act as visual reminders of where you are on your journey.

13. Prioritise what’s important and learn to say no

All too often, you can get bogged down in other people’s lives and end up making your own goals and desires less of a priority. As difficult as it may sound, you need to learn to say no to other people at times and make Yourself a priority in your life.

You will never make the transformation that you want if you don’t prioritise what is important to you. Make the decision now to say no to others and yes to yourself.

14. Do something towards your goals every day

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Every day counts in life, so make sure you make every day count. Stop putting off to tomorrow what you could and should be doing today.

If you start doing something towards your goals every day, you will soon start to see change and transformation happen.

Having a little and often approach every day can help if you are someone who feels daunted or overwhelmed by change.

Commit yourself to making the change happen and then set daily goals to get there.

15. Get it down on paper - start writing a journal

Getting ideas out of your head and down on paper is a far more effective strategy for reaching your goals than just letting thoughts ruminate in your head.

Treat yourself to a beautiful journal and then let your dreams commence, writing down all of the ways you would like to change and all of the routes that it can take.

Your journal is then an excellent reference point for you to be able to see how far you have come and what you have left to do.

16. Make your health an absolute priority

One of if not the greatest gifts you can have in life is a healthy mind and body. Your health should be a priority for you when you are looking to transform areas of your life. Eating a good, balanced, healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep and exercise and not drinking too much are all ways that you can make sure that your mind and body work as effectively as possible.

17. Invest in yourself with a life coach or online training

If you feel that you want to make a change but are finding it daunting or you don’t know how to begin then invest in working with a life coach or online training.

Working with a professional can help you to put everything into perspective and help you to organise what changes you want to make. They can also give you tools and direction to reach your goals and give you accountability to see them through to completion.

Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.
— Alan Cohen

Final Thoughts


Becoming a new you doesn’t mean that you have to take huge steps all at once. Just deciding you want to make the change and then having the courage to start is something.

The small steps that you make daily will add up to something momentous after a while.

Having the willingness, determination, and consistency in your approach will facilitate the new you appearing faster than you could ever imagine.

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