Life Coaching for Women Blog

Self-limiting beliefs, Self-worth Sharon Crossett Self-limiting beliefs, Self-worth Sharon Crossett

17 Limiting Beliefs About Self-worth: How to Master Them

Do you have a good opinion of yourself? If you were to honestly say “ Yes I really like myself and I feel I have many great attributes” then you would undoubtedly think highly of yourself and be doing well in your world.

What if you have the opinion you are awful, no one likes you and you pretty much suck at everything in life, you would be saddled with highly toxic self-limiting beliefs and would probably not be doing as well as you could be.

These kinds of beliefs could cause you to self-sabotage everything you do in your life. But what exactly are self-sabotaging beliefs?

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Failure, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett Failure, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett

21 Easy Powerful Tips: How to Stop Feeling a Failure in Life Today

More than ever people feel as if they are failing in their lives.

We all live in what seems like an endless cycle of perfect images on social media, people with perfect lives, perfect bodies, relationships, homes and careers, for many it seems hard to reconcile their own lives with what they are exposed to and they feel like they have failed for not having this perceived perfect world.

Of course, it’s all smoke and mirrors, nobody has a perfect life, and those images that we see on social media aren’t real. Behind the filters, the staged sets and poses life for everyone have flaws and imperfections.

People have equal amounts of success and failure, so why do some people only ever look at the failures in their lives? What is it that makes some people feel that everything they do is worthless whilst others always just look at their successes?

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Self-limiting beliefs, Coaching Sharon Crossett Self-limiting beliefs, Coaching Sharon Crossett

How Do I Stop Being so Hard on Myself?

Imagine if we treated everybody in our world the same as we treat ourselves at times. Have you ever noticed that voice inside your head telling yourself all of the things that you do wrong and thinking “How do I stop being so hard on myself?” This constant habit we have of knocking ourselves down, criticizing ourselves and causing pain is something that needs to stop but how do you go about it?

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CBT, Self-care, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett CBT, Self-care, Self-limiting beliefs Sharon Crossett

21 Powerful Easy Ways: How to Train Your Mind to Work for You Now

The brain is a complex organ in the body and can work either for us or against us. Much of how we live our lives is governed entirely by the thoughts that we have in our brain, from socializing to what job we do, to where we live and what we wear, we listen to the thoughts that our brain sends us, and act on them.

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