15 Helpful Tips When You Are Feeling Lost, Sad And Hopeless

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Why do I feel so empty and hopeless?

young woman sad despair

We all experience many emotions during the day. But what happens if one recurring feeling keeps coming through? Especially if it is a negative one.

If you are someone who is feeling lost, sad or hopeless, you may find your whole life is being affected and you are struggling to cope.

Feeling sad and lost can stem from a variety of reasons. It could be due to undergoing a significant loss, facing major life changes, experiencing a lack of purpose or direction, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, or struggling with unmet expectations.

These emotions often indicate a deep internal conflict or a disconnect from your true desires and values.

Whatever the reasons for having them, the results will be the same for everyone, a need to feel differently and to establish more positive affirming emotions so you can live life in a meaningful and proactive way.

What to do when you feel hopeless and lost?

sad woman on bed

When you feel hopeless, it's important to remember that these feelings are temporary.

You should be aware that there are procedures you can put in place to help you move through these feelings and into a more positive space.

The first thing to do is to admit you need to make changes to your thinking, address other reasons why you are feeling the way you are feeling and seek help and advice if it will help you.

Below are fifteen helpful tips you can use if you are feeling lost, sad and hopeless.

15 Helpful Tips

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1. Identify the feelings you are experiencing and the reasons behind them

Feeling lost, sad, or hopeless can make you feel empty and directionless. It's important to recognize and accept these emotions without judgment. Take time to identify why you feel this way to work through it. Discovering the reason as to why you are feeling the way you do is the first step to bringing change. Unless you identify your “Why” it will be difficult for you to move on.

Reflect on your feelings, talk to someone you trust, and take care of yourself. It's normal to feel this way at times. Remember, these emotions are temporary, so focus on healing and finding clarity.

2. Reach out to the people around you and develop a support group

When feeling lost and sad, it's important to reach out to the people around you and develop a support group.

support group of women

Sharing your struggles and emotions with trusted individuals can provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of belonging.

By fostering strong connections with others, you create a network of support that can help you navigate challenging times with greater resilience and perspective.

Remember, you do not have to face difficulties alone - seeking support from those who care about you is a sign of strength, not weakness. It is important to know you have people to reach out to whether they are friends, family or professionals.

3. Stay clear of people and activities that are likely to worsen your feelings

To improve your emotional well-being, it is essential to avoid individuals and situations that may exacerbate feelings of sadness and loneliness.

By consciously steering clear of such negative influences, you create a protective barrier around your mental and emotional health. You need to surround yourself instead with sources of positivity and support, contributing to a positive, nurturing and uplifting environment.

Recognize the impact that your surroundings can have on your emotions, and choose wisely where to invest your time and energy.

4. Concentrate on the things you have control over

woman writing in journal

When feeling lost, sad or hopeless, it is essential to concentrate on the things you have control over.

Directing your focus towards aspects of your life that you can influence allows you to regain a sense of stability and empowerment.

By shifting your energy towards manageable tasks, setting small achievable goals, and making decisions within your power, you can make your way through any uncertainty you may be experiencing with more confidence and clarity.

Remember you have the power to steer your actions and your responses.

When you feel in control you will feel more positive.

5. Challenge the reasons why you feel the way you do

Getting to fully understand why you feel the way you do will help you to reframe the way you are thinking and bring more positive thoughts into your mind.

Start to challenge any negative thoughts you are having. Is there any evidence to support them? Learning to better understand the reason why you think and act the way you do will allow you to make real and positive changes.

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6. Be kind to yourself, show yourself compassion

Be kind to yourself, and show yourself compassion when you feel lost. Think about the way you would treat someone you love, a friend or relative who is going through the same issues and then apply this to You.

Acknowledge any struggles and challenges you are dealing with without judgment, and remind yourself that it is okay not to have all the answers right away.

By creating a safe space you can manage your thoughts more effectively

7. Explore the power of gratitude

When you find yourself feeling lost, sad and hopeless employ the practice of gratitude to lift your feelings.

Practising gratitude can help bring clarity and stability to the situation you are in. By focusing on what you're thankful for, you can shift your mindset from a negative to a positive. Gratitude will help to raise your energy levels putting you in a place of thanks and happiness.

8. Introduce a self-care routine to your daily schedule

Take time and incorporate self-care into your daily routine when you feel lost or sad. Dedicate time each day for grounding and nurturing activities like mindfulness, exercise, journaling, or rest.

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Make self-care a priority to replenish your energy and strengthen emotional resilience.

Consistent practice can help you achieve balance and inner peace, even in difficult times.

You are important and your mental well-being is important. Make YOU are priority in your life.

9. Find joy and enthusiasm in a new interest or hobby

When you are experiencing any negative emotions, they can sometimes be the result of constant negative behaviour. You could have developed a pattern of thinking and it has now become the norm.

At times like this, you need a pattern break and a chance to refocus your thoughts in another direction. Find a new hobby or interest to bring enthusiasm and joy into your life.

A new interest will take your mind off the way you are thinking and will help you to establish new, more positive thought patterns.

10. Eat healthy food to raise your energy levels

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Eating healthy food improves energy levels, especially when feeling low. Nutrient-rich foods offer vitamins and minerals for better body function, enhancing energy and concentration.

Include fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats for mood and wellness. Caring for your body is vital for self-care during tough times.

Focus on nourishing foods to aid in challenging moments.

11. Develop a practice of positive self-talk

During tough times, talk kindly to yourself. It's okay to feel down sometimes, no one can be upbeat all of the time but you need to address the way you are talking to yourself if you are feeling sad, lost or hopeless.

Use positive words like "I can do it" or "I've faced hard times and I'll get through this."

Treat yourself with care, like you would a friend. This helps you stay strong and handle tough feelings better.

12. Make sure you have regular patterns of sleep

sleeping woman

Regular sleep patterns are important when you feel lost or sad. Quality sleep helps the mind and body rest, recharge, and stay emotionally well.

It regulates mood, boosts thinking skills, and builds resilience to challenges.

To sleep better, make a bedtime routine, a cosy sleep space, and skip stimulants before bed. Get into good sleeping habits that will benefit your whole lifestyle.

Get to understand your body and how much sleep you need. Good sleep is essential for self-care, especially in tough times when you need emotional stability.

13. Cut down on alcohol, caffeine and tobacco

Reducing alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can help when feeling sad or hopeless. They may give short-term relief but worsen negative emotions long-term.

Alcohol is a depressant, caffeine can heighten anxiety, and tobacco reliance can fuel negative emotions. Cutting back allows for better-coping strategies and clearer thinking to tackle underlying issues.

14. Discover how to stay in the present moment

When you feel lost or sad, focus on the present moment. Breathe deeply to stay grounded. Acknowledge your thoughts and body sensations without judgment. Try to release any emotional pressure you are placing on yourself by living in the present moment.

Do things you enjoy like walking in nature or meditating. Remember it's normal to feel this way and these feelings will fade. Being present and accepting your emotions builds inner strength.

15. Seek the help of a counsellor or life coach

Seeking help from a counsellor or life coach can give valuable support when feeling lost or sad. They provide a safe place to talk about feelings, find reasons behind them, and make plans to feel better.

Personalized sessions can help you understand yourself, create goals, and move towards a happier life. Whether facing personal, work, or relationship problems, getting professional help can bring deep personal growth and happiness.

Final Thoughts

Remember at some time or another, everyone will experience moments of feeling lost, sad, or hopeless. It is natural to be consumed by negative thoughts and emotions at certain periods in life.

When faced with these challenging times, it is important to remember that these feelings are temporary and do not define who you are, what you are capable of or your life in general.

Allow yourself to take a deep breath and admit the pain you are experiencing. Permit yourself to sit and feel these emotions without judgment.

Remember there will be occasions in your past where you have overcome difficulties and have discovered the strength and resilience to navigate through.

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Always be prepared to reach out to a friend, family member, or professional for support and guidance when you need it.

Acknowledge to yourself that it's okay not to have all the answers right now and that you are in a situation you can get yourself out of if you give yourself space and take one small step at a time towards more positive thoughts.

You are capable of changing your situation if you take time out, refrain from judging and criticising yourself and practice kindness and understanding.

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