15 Super Important Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose Today

Why is it important to find your purpose in life?

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Do you have a purpose in life or are you just drifting from one day to the next going through the motions?

Do you find you spend day after day doing the same things on a rinse-and-repeat basis…..get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed?

If this is how your life is looking then you need to find your life purpose and quick!

Although you may think you are happy and content at this moment in time and everything is just fine thank you very much, without a purpose in life you can very soon become lost, and dissatisfied and start to drift until you end with a life you no longer love or even recognise.

Finding your purpose in life can be tricky, especially if you are someone who spends their time thinking more of other people, or putting up with stuff for an easy life.

It can seem like something that is going to be tricky to achieve or may mean you have to move out of your comfort zone for a while.

Regardless of any resistance your brain might throw up. it is something you need to do.

Finding your purpose is more than just doing something you enjoy or that makes you feel good. A purpose in life is about your overall well-being. Having purpose improves your mental and physical well-being. It can improve your self-confidence, and your relationship with yourself and other people and can improve every area of your life.

It gives your life meaning and importance and can help you to live longer. A life purpose will mean you continue to grow and thrive and it will continue to grow and change as you do.

What to do when you don't know your purpose in life?

If you have no life purpose how do you even know you are living the life you want to be living? It could be you are living the life someone else wants you to be living, parents, a partner, friends or siblings.

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It doesn’t matter what other people think or want, they are free to discover their own purpose in life, what matters is what you want and what you should be doing to discover yours.

It’s not like discovering a new hobby, you don’t just think “That’s it, that’s my purpose” and be done with it. It is something you go through life with. It is connected to your core values and beliefs and forms who you are as a person.

So if you are reading this and think” I don’t know what my purpose is in life” then you need to start thinking about it…now.

15 Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose

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1. What makes me happy in life?

Ask yourself this simple question,” What makes me happy in life?” Do you remember when you were younger and you automatically did the things in life that brought you joy? Why don’t you do that now? It could be because you are living a life to make other people happy or never think about filling your own life with happiness.

Whatever the reason, sit down and think of all of the things that make you genuinely happy, that fill you with joy and the desire to do more. Bring happiness back into your life and you will be bringing purpose as well.

2. What things make me feel most alive?

Everyone will have experienced this feeling at least once in their life.

It could have been hurtling around on a rollercoaster, climbing a mountain, swimming in the sea or graduating from college.

The feeling of being truly present in your life and having a rush of joyous emotions.

Start to discover things which bring about these feelings, activities in life that make you feel truly alive.

Look at how you spend your time and what you could do differently to experience those emotions that light you up and make life worth living.

3. What gives purpose and meaning to my life?

What gives your life meaning? Is it your career, family, friends, pets, or the desire to help other people?

There are many ways you can experience having a purpose in life. You may have chosen a career such as teaching to give your life purpose and meaning or you may do voluntary work in the community.

Think about giving back and helping other people, spend time being altruistic and sharing with others. Or get out and find other like-minded people who inspire you to live your life with purpose and meaning.

4. What are my strengths in life?

What are your strengths? The powers you have to make a difference in your life. You could be highly organised, empathetic, someone who puts people at ease. There will be many strengths inside you that will enable you to discover your purpose in life.

Take some time for self-reflection and get to know the strengths you have and how best to use them to give your life purpose and meaning.

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5. What am I most passionate about in my life?

Your passions are a good way of understanding the areas of your life where your purpose may be. Do you love being with other people? Are you an animal lover? If you aren’t sure of your passions ask those around you or sit down and contemplate how you love to spend your time and energy.

Finding your passions can lead you to discover your life’s purpose.

6. What would I do if there were no limits on money, time and ability?

Just imagine if you had no money, time or ability constraints in your life what would you do with your time? Although this is a scenario many people will never achieve in all three areas, it is still possible to achieve one or two and you can always imagine.

Using your imagination to visualise a life with no limits will throw up different passions you never even thought about. Then you need to look at how you could incorporate them into your life now. It may not be as difficult as you imagine and can create a whole new outlook in your life.

7. What have been the most important experiences of my life?

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You will have had many life experiences up to this point. Which ones have been the most important? The experiences you have in your life will shape you and dictate the direction you move in.

Where you live, what job you do, and what your relationships are like, friends, partners, whether you go to university or have children.

All of these experiences add purpose to your life. Examine the experiences which have made the most impact on your life and you will discover more of your life’s purpose.

8. If I only had one year left to live how would I spend my time?

What if your time here was limited how would you choose to spend any remaining time you had left? Although a scenario you may not want to think about it can bring clarity to your life purpose. You will soon realise the things that are important to you and those that aren’t.

Would you spend more time with the people you love, do voluntary work, travel more or write a book? These would all become purposeful to you and give your life meaning.

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9. What have you always dreamed of doing but not achieved as of now?

Do you have many unrealised dreams? Often as a child, you will have wasted time dreaming about your future.

The problem is it is all too easy to lose track of dreams.

Career, family, travel or adventure may all have been areas you thought about and planned in your future. These thoughts will all have been part of your life’s purpose.

Some of them you may have realised but there may be others that have never had a look in.

Go back and revisit your dreams and begin to implement some plans.

10. Which people do you most admire in life and why?

Start asking yourself which people you most admire. They can be famous, friends, family, someone local. The people you most admire will be the people you see some similarities with, shared values and beliefs.

Spend time with the people you admire, as you will discover more of your life purpose this way. Even if they are famous and you can’t spend time with them on a personal level you can read about them, listen to them speak and get inspired by them.

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11. If you imagine your perfect life in five or ten years what would it look like?

Start visualising your future life today. How do you want your life to look in five or ten years? This is a very powerful exercise I use in coaching sessions.

It gives you clarity and vision. It allows you to begin setting goals and get an understanding of what you want and what you need to do to get it.

It is an excellent way of discovering your purpose in life and gives you the clarity and direction needed to achieve it.

12. What are the biggest obstacles in my life and how can I overcome them?

Overcoming obstacles can give your life purpose and meaning. No one is ever going to have a perfect life, there are always going to be circumstances that crop up that will throw you off kilter. Overcoming those obstacles can build resilience and persistence and can lead you in the direction you should be going.

Don’t be an obstacle in your own life. Work through issues and problems you may have and you will discover purpose and meaning.

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13. What are the values I hold dear in life?

Core values and beliefs you hold will enable you to discover your purpose in life. If you are someone who values family and relationships, then a purpose could be working in your community.

If you value learning and knowledge going back and studying could throw up a new purpose in your life.

14. What have I done in my life that I am most proud of?

Think about all of the achievements you have had in your life. It could be a major achievement or something small, the size doesn’t matter, it is how you feel about it. These achievements will all be something you are proud of. They will also show you what your purpose in life is.

Educational achievements will demonstrate how important learning is in your life for example. List the achievements you are most proud of and then see how they correspond to your purpose in life.

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15. What will I regret if I come to the end of my life and haven’t achieved it?

Many people will reach the end of their lives with regret. Regret for something they didn’t do or say.

Regret for not having pushed themselves working too hard or not living their life in alignment with their core values and beliefs.

If you want to reach the end of your life with no regrets, fast forward think what you might see as a regret and then begin to make changes. The changes you make will likely give you a purpose moving forward in your life.

Final Thoughts

Start to ask yourself questions to discover your life purpose. We are all here to live a life which is productive and in alignment with the values and beliefs we hold dear. These values will enable us to develop a sense of purpose.

Having purpose in life will mean your life is happy, and productive and will benefit your emotional and physical wellbeing.

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If you’re finding it difficult to discover your life purpose, why not book a session with a life coach? They can help you to work through your core values and start finding a sense of purpose. They can then give you the tools and support you may need to work through.

Everyone should have a purpose in life, no matter how large or small. We don’t all need to be trailblazers, make great discoveries or change the world but we should all live a life that makes us happy and satisfied. Start your new life with purpose today.

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