Life Coaching for Women Blog

Purpose, Coaching Sharon Crossett Purpose, Coaching Sharon Crossett

15 Super Important Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose Today

Do you have a purpose in life or are you just drifting from one day to the next going through the motions?

Do you find you spend day after day doing the same things on a rinse-and-repeat basis…..get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed?

If this is how your life is looking then you need to find your life purpose and quick!

Although you may think you are happy and content at this moment in time and everything is just fine thank you very much, without a purpose in life you can very soon become lost, and dissatisfied and start to drift until you end with a life you no longer love or even recognise.

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Relationships, Change Sharon Crossett Relationships, Change Sharon Crossett

21 Uplifting Ideas: How to Find Yourself Again in a Relationship

Are you at the stage in your life where you are wondering how you can find yourself again in a relationship? Are you wondering how everything has changed so much and what happened to you?

Relationships are tricky to navigate and take work and commitment. In the beginning, everything seems so easy, it’s all romance, laughter, shared enjoyment and excitement but people can lose themselves in relationships very quickly if they aren’t careful and then problems can begin to arise and relationships can start to break down.

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Coaching, Coping Strategies Sharon Crossett Coaching, Coping Strategies Sharon Crossett

17 Powerful Ways for How to Deal with Executive Stress Now

Executive stress is a term used for stress affecting executives within their work environment. The term executives refer to people within an organisation who hold executive positions, these positions come with high levels of responsibilities. decision-making and stress.

The pressure these individuals face on a day-to-day basis can be enormous, having accountability for whole companies and workforces, with critical decisions being made and a huge amount of accountability within the company.

If you are someone who is suffering from executive stress, you could always be looking for ways to deal with it.

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Coaching, Empowerment Sharon Crossett Coaching, Empowerment Sharon Crossett

23 Vital Ways an Online Life Coach can Help you Empower Yourself Today

Over the last few years, online life coaching has become more and more popular. People see the many benefits of using coaches when they are looking for ways to empower themselves and make major changes in their lives.

Life coaches can help you to set goals, and break down obstacles standing in your way of achieving what you want. They are there to give you guidance and support when you need it to challenge any negative thinking and to offer accountability for reaching desired outcomes.

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Thinking, Change, Well-being Sharon Crossett Thinking, Change, Well-being Sharon Crossett

17 Super Helpful Ways: How Women Can Stop Feeling Unfulfilled in Life

Are you feeling unfulfilled? Do you feel like there is something missing from your life but you just can’t put your finger on what it is?

Are you looking for ways you can stop feeling unfulfilled in your life? Everyone can have times in their lives when they feel unfulfilled.

These can range from small niggles about not reaching certain goals to full-on existential crises’ about what you are doing, where you are going and what your life means.

Whether you are just struggling at the moment to be motivated in your life or whether there are more deep-rooted issues as to why you are feeling this way, the good news is there are steps you can take to overcome the feelings you have at this moment in time and to get you back on track with living your best life.

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Thoughts, CBT, Coping Strategies Sharon Crossett Thoughts, CBT, Coping Strategies Sharon Crossett

19 Easy Powerful Tips : How to Deal with Social Anxiety Disorder Fast

Anyone who suffers from social anxiety disorder will understand how debilitating this condition can be. The crippling fear of being in social situations, mixing with other people and feeling fear and anxiety overtake you.

If you are looking for ways to deal with social anxiety disorder fast, continue reading to discover what you can do to start reducing your anxiety today so you can begin to socialise with other people, work more freely and enjoy your life without the dread of social anxiety controlling you.

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Divorce, Coaching, Relationships Sharon Crossett Divorce, Coaching, Relationships Sharon Crossett

21 Effective Survival Techniques: How to Deal with Divorce as a Woman

There are many emotional traumas in life and along with bereavement, divorce is no doubt the biggest. Learning how to deal with divorce as a woman can be crucial to moving on with your life afterwards.

Nobody goes into a marriage expecting to get a divorce but unfortunately, it happens and it can be a very sad, stressful and difficult time for all involved in the separation.

Men and women will handle divorce differently, for women it can often be a far more visceral experience, deep feelings can come to the surface and they can experience a roller coaster of emotions, from anger and denial to guilt and sadness.

The emotional side of divorce can have a big impact on women's physical health as well, with diet, sleep, stress and substance abuse all causing health issues.

Having a support network of friends and family can be an enormous help both practically and emotionally and knowing what to expect and setting up ways to cope can aid in getting through this difficult period.

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Coaching, Change, Transformation Sharon Crossett Coaching, Change, Transformation Sharon Crossett

15 Powerful Transforming Ways: How Can a Life Coach Change Your Life?

Have you heard of life coaching but have been left wondering, “How can a life coach change your life?”. Life coaching has been growing more and more popular over the last few years as more and more people come to see the benefits that having a life coach can bring.

Life coaching can work on many levels and for every area of your life. It can help you to organise your time, plan and reach goals, have better relationships with yourself and other people, develop your career, plan your life, get healthy and lose weight, in fact, any area of your life can be improved by using a life coach.

There are so many benefits to having a life coach that many people are now reaching out to help them improve areas of their lives that they need to work on so that they get fast, lasting results. People have started to see the advantages of investing in themselves in the short term for long-term gain.

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Goals, Planning, Change Sharon Crossett Goals, Planning, Change Sharon Crossett

21 Easy Quick Tips: How Do I Make a Five-Year Plan Step By Step?

Having goals is always going to be an ideal way of achieving what you want in life. Goals set you on the course that you need to be going on, they give you direction and act as an incentive to achieve what you want and what you need. Without goals you can be like a boat without a rudder, drifting off in one direction without the means to bring you back on course.

Having a focus can help in all areas of your life, from finding the ideal job, home, partner or lifestyle. Knowing what you want and then setting a plan to get it is highly satisfying and productive. Having a fixed goal in mind means that you always know what direction you are meant to be going in and having a 5-year plan means that you can visualise and set goals that will really change your life.

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Vision Boards, Manifestation Sharon Crossett Vision Boards, Manifestation Sharon Crossett

How to Make a Vision Board that Works in 10 Simple Steps

As a coach. I always advocate using a vision board for my clients who are looking for ways to bring their desired outcomes into their lives, and I give them clear instructions as to how to make a vision board that works for them in a few simple steps.

A Vision board is a collage of images, photographs, affirmations and cutouts of any dreams or desires that you have and would love to bring into your life.

Whether you have a physical vision board or an app, the principles are the same, you gather together in one place all of the visual representations of what you would like and arrange them together so that you can look at them every day and visualise having them in your life.

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Coaching, Goal Setting Sharon Crossett Coaching, Goal Setting Sharon Crossett

15 Easy Steps on How to Set Goals and Accomplish Them

January 1st….must start the new year off with a whole list of resolutions that I am going to achieve this year. January 8th…..well seem to be back to my old ways and have broken all of my resolutions already! Have you heard this before? Are you guilty of this? If so you aren’t alone, in fact, research has shown that only 9% of people see their resolutions through until the end of the year.

stationary goals journal

Why is it that we pick possibly the most depressing time of the year to set new goals and resolutions for ourselves, in the northern hemisphere anyway? Why do we find it so difficult? Shouldn’t we be given a manual on how to set goals and accomplish them?

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Behaviour, Relationships Sharon Crossett Behaviour, Relationships Sharon Crossett

How do You Live With Controlling People? 21 Empowering Ways

I bet you have had many conversations along the lines of “ know let’s it here I prefer it,” or “no if you got his way it will save so much more time than the way you are suggesting.” These simple sentences may seem innocuous enough but if you hear them enough, they may highlight a more insidious problem, that you have a controlling person in your life.

Once you realise this is the case, you may start asking how you live with controlling people. It could be that the p controlling person is someone that you can’t just drop from your life, so you are going to have to learn some empowering ways to deal with them.

There are many people who can be controlling, a partner, friends, work colleagues, your boss, parents, family members and neighbours.

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Stress, Anxiety, Resilience Sharon Crossett Stress, Anxiety, Resilience Sharon Crossett

How to Increase Your Resilience to Stress and Anxiety for 2023

There can be no doubt about it the last few years have been an incredibly stressful time for many and with so much looming on the horizon, you may be wondering about how to increase your resilience to stress and anxiety for 2023.

Globally, there has been a pandemic, war, talks of recession, rising energy, fuel and food bills and a general sense of uncertainty, so it is no wonder that many people are starting to feel stress and have anxiety levels rising as we start to approach 2023.

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Change, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Change, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

19 Powerful Tips: How do I Completely Change Myself Starting Today

Are you tired of you, of who you are and what you are doing? Do you wake up dissatisfied even though you may have the “good life” that we are all told is what we should be aiming for? Do you have a nagging feeling that you want something else, that there is something missing in your life but you don’t know what it is?

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Negative Automatic Thoughts., CBT Sharon Crossett Negative Automatic Thoughts., CBT Sharon Crossett

19 Best Ways of Dealing With Negative Automatic Thoughts Today

We generally tend to spend a lot of our lives working on automatic thoughts. You don’t think, “I will get up in the morning and go to work”, instead you just do. The same with getting dressed, showering, having your breakfast or locking your front door. These are all actions that the brain just does automatically without you needing to think about them. The brain works from habits, habits learned over a long period of time. In the main these automatic thoughts help us in our day to day activities they save us time and aid our progress throughout the day.

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Habits, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett Habits, Positive Thinking Sharon Crossett

21 Power Tips for Setting Good Habits and Sticking to Them Beginning Now

Building habits and sticking to them can be tricky. I am sure that most of us at some time or another have set out with the best of intentions when it comes to starting a new routine, giving something up, exercising more, eating or drinking less, only to break the habit almost as soon as it has started. Why is it that we find setting good habits and sticking to them so difficult?

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